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Suraksha – Strengthening child trafficking prevention pathways

Funding Agency CRS
Duration September 2023 to August 2024
Operational area 4 villages of Sarupani Panchayat-Golaghat district.
Target groups Children and Parents
Goals Children in the ages 12-17 years from socio-economically marginalised households in the Sorupani Panchayat of Golaghat District are protected from Goals and the risks of trafficking.
Objectives Vulnerable children age 12-17 years and families in 1 Panchayat of Golaghat district have improved resilience to mitigate the risks of trafficking.

Project Brief

Through focused efforts in one Panchayat in Golaghat district, the project seeks to create a protective environment for these children, reducing their vulnerability to traffickers. The vulnerability to trafficking will be reduced by engaging at the level of the child, family, community and the system including the gram panchayats and the child protection system.