Children's parliament meeting by children

Handholding support to partners organization

Empowering community and community for peace -
Training for peace club members in school

Health project home visit by NEDSSS health workers

Relief distributions for displaced people in one of
the districts of manipur

Empowering communities and institutions for peace building in North East India

Funding agency Misereor
Duration October 2022-2025 September
Operational areas North East region with focus in Assam, Manipur Nagaland and Tripura
Target groups (Communities; Key institutions, private and Government affiliated schools, colleges and Universities; Teaching training Institutes; Non-Governmental Organisation (NGOs); Women groups; Human Rights and Peace Groups; Student bodies, youth, government departments, Law Enforcing personnel, Community Based Organisations (SHGs, Farmers Groups, Corporative) and Media fraternity)
Objectives Objectives 1: Individuals are empowered to prevent, mitigate conflict, and foster peaceful co-existence
Objective 2: Community structures/networks at the village/district/state/regional levels are strengthened to encourage reconciliation, violence reduction, mutual exchange and learning leading to peace and harmony
Objective 3: Educational institutions are enabled through peace building measures and peace education to mitigate conflicts, built mutual respect, confidence and trust among children from different communities
Project brief

There have been different forms of violence in the north east. In order to minimize the violence, this project will build the capacity of individuals and institutions through different activities so that communities living in North East India with focus on 23 districts of Assam, Manipur, Nagaland and Tripura will take steps towards reconciliation through mutual respect, reduced violence, confidence-building measures and building bridges of trust in each other