Children's parliament meeting by children
Handholding support to partners organization
Empowering community and community for peace - Training for peace club members in school
Health project home visit by NEDSSS health workers
Relief distributions for displaced people in one of the districts of manipur
Our Success Stories

Domai Pahan
Domai Pahan, currently a student at Peren, Nagaland Govt. College, narrates his story after joining the peace club. “In 2023, I joined the peer mediation forum in my college, marking the beginning of a transformative journey. Before joining the peace club, I was a reserved person, often distancing myself from society and neglecting opportunities for social work. However, being part of the peace club opened me up through regular meetings and gatherings, connecting me with people. It not only enhanced my self-confidence but also fostered my ability to understand other’s perspectives. From being introverted, I have started to open up, and I am determined to share my newfound wisdom with others. I owe my transformation to the peace club, and I express gratitude to the NEDSSS family for this opportunity. I believe that by sharing my experiences, I can inspire positive change in my community and society. Thank you for allowing me to share a glimpse of my journey”.
Doibila Christina of class 6 from Don Bosco Hr, Sec, School, Maram said that membership in peace club brought about many realizations. She shared one should always have positive mind-set and help their friends in small thing can help in bringing peace. Inner peace is one of the most important parts in life and one should learn how to cultivate it in oneself. Peace club have helped her so much that she is able to concentrate and study well. She also realized that doing her duty well on time can bring peace to herself. She vowed to be always an active peace maker to her friends and family. She has been sharing her learning to her younger brothers and sisters. She vows to continue to be a peace lover, peace maker, peace promoter in the future.

Doibila Christina

Thuanimei Rongmei
A child named Thuanimei Rongmei from Ramgaizang village from Cachar district, Assam was diagnosed with malnutrition and underweight during a home visit by our Village Health Worker (VHW). The MUAC of the child was 12.2 cm and weight 9 kg. The VHW inquired about the caused of the child’s malnutrition and learned that the child had a tongue infection when the child was 6 months old. Due to which the mother could’t breastfeed for a while. VHW advised the parents to take care of the child in terms of feeding nutritious food and maintain hygiene. VHW and the supervisor made regular visits to the child and gave vitamin A drops, iron syrup and ORS. After seven months the child was re-examined and his health was improved. The MUAC of the child was 15 cm and weight 14 kg. VHW advised the parents to take care of their child’s health in future. The parents thanked VHW and NEDSSS for showing how to take care of their child.
Felix Marak, age 30 years from Mariampur-B village was suffering from severe skin allergy and ring worm in her legs. It was swelling and watering with pus for 2 months. The village Health worker of NEDSSS came to know about her skin problem and took her to St. Joseph health centre for treatment. She was immediately attended and treated her with medicines. She was instructed with health education, preventive methods like personal hygiene and good nutrition. After a month she was cured of her Ring worm. She was really happy to be treated and cured. She expressed and thanked NEDSSS project team who have assisted and helped her to regain her health.

Felix Marak

Ngapa Vincent
Ngapa Vincent is from Maram bazar, who joined peace club in February 2023. He said, joining the club over the past one year brought about positive changes in many aspects of his life. He has improved concentration and focus ability. Despite the numerous challenges in his life, being a member of the peace club and understanding the true meaning of peace has empowered him to engage in positive actions. He has learned that inner peace is closely related to happiness. Attaining inner peace has had a calming effect on his heart. In his perspective, peace cannot be forced; it should come unconditionally. It has motivated him to assist people in need. He encourages his friends to join the peace club and introduced them to various trainings and programs organized by NEDSSS.
Asrita Budding, a mother of 3 children from Ornalpur village, Golaghat, Assam was a shy woman, who rarely talks and mingle with her neighbors. She was reluctant to attend parenting sessions. However, our field Animator visited her house and encouraged her to participate in the sessions. Gradually, she opened up about her shyness, parenting challenges, and family dynamics. Accompanied by field team members, she began attending sessions where she felt valued and important.Over time, Asrita developed confidence, openly sharing her thoughts and insights on parenting. She actively encouraged other parents to join awareness sessions, demonstrating leadership within the Ornalpur parenting group. Expressing gratitude to the team, she credited the project with helping her overcome her shyness and expressed a strong commitment to contributing to societal upliftment. Asrita Budding’s journey exemplifies the transformative power of community engagement and support. Through the Suraksha project, She has not only overcome personal challenges but has also become a catalyst for positive change in Ornalpur, inspiring others to actively participate in building a better future for their children and community.

Asrita Budding

Sarlong Enghi
In the hushed hallways of St. Mary’s School Diphu, a silent revolution was stirring within me, Sarlong Enghi, the recently appointed Publicity Secretary of the peace club. As a newcomer to the world of clubs and groups, I found myself embarking on a journey that would redefine my understanding of communication and community. The journey with the peace club became a platform for my personal development. It was a catalyst for learning, adaptation, and positive change. The club, with its inclusive environment, provided a safe space for me and fellow members to evolve and grow. Reflecting on my experiences, I realized the profound transformation I underwent. From a reserved individual uncertain about my ability to communicate, I emerged as a confident leader, finding my voice and contributing meaningfully to the club’s mission. My story stands as a testament to the transformative power of the Peace Club, a reminder that even in the quietest corners, profound personal growth and positive change can take root within the nurturing environment of a dedicated group.
Siva Sawashi, a 12-year-old boy residing in Majbat Bagan Bhatta Line, was smoking bidi and cigarettes at a tender age. During the field visits by NEDSSS Animator discovered Siva’s smoking habit. Our Animator visited his home, spoke with his father, and counselled Siva and encouraged him to attend out tuition centre. Accordingly he joined other children in attending classes, and Siva, who used to indulge in smoking bidis, cigarettes, and alcohol, gradually abandoned his habits. He started coming to school regularly, leaving his old habit behind. He and his parents are grateful to our Animator and NEDSSS for their support.

Siva Sawashi

Junali Murmu
Junali Murmu is a 14 years old girl studying in class VI of Amchong Tea Estate. She was a shy girl, scared to speak infront of the people. After attending tuition classes, Life skills sessions and children’s parliament conducted by the project, she started to demonstrate a changed behaviour, she became very active member of Amchong Tea Estate Children’s Parliament, and she actively participated in all the actvities with great joy and cheerfulness. She took great initiatives to make their village a clean village and undertook many cleanliness drives under her leadership. She said that she likes children’s parliament since it gave her the plate-form to speak and it also create a different and better environment for the children.
Mrs. Kache Beypi from Bibia Pai village of Karbi Anglong district was 3 months pregnant when she came for the health camp conducted by NEDSSS at Rongmongve Health Centre. She was found to be very anaemic and with high blood pressure. Our Village Health Worker took her to Tezpur medical college for further treatment where she was given blood and other medication in the medical college. When she came back home the health workers together with ANM visited her and educate her about the health care routine. She was given IFA and TT1 along with regular follow up and nutrition. She also completed her 4 ANC due to which her health improved slowly and she had a normal delivery. Both the mother and the child are safe.

Mrs. Kache Beypi

Smriti Orang
Smriti Orang is a 10-year-old, class 7 dropout from Betalai TE No. 6 Line village. She had to drop out of school 3 years back when both her parents passed away. She went to live with her unmarried aunt who was economically poor and unable to send Smriti to school. But with the setting up of a tuition centre by NEDSSS in the village and regular home visits by project animator, there was complete change of mindset. When initial contact was made by animator, Smriti was of the view that education is not important at all. She, in fact, believed that in order to live a good life, only economic stability was needed. She thought she could achieve this even without going to school. Regular visit and counselling on importance of education by the animator have brought cognitive changes in her and her aunty. Later, she agreed to go to the tuition centre. Even her aunty asured that she will provide all possible ways to let her continue her study.
Robina Pradhan is a 14 years old girl studying in class 6 from Amchong Tea Estate. She lost her father and her mother is hospitalized. So, she used to stay with her Sister in-law in the house. But her brother and sister-in law being alcoholic and drinks everyday and did not create for her a conducive environment. Due to the family environment she was not able to study properly and she stopped going to school and moved to another Tea Estate to her married sister’s house. After knowing the news our project Animator intervened and approached her brother and sister in-law and explained about the need to take care of her and the importance of education. With the advice of our Animator they were ready to bring her back to Amchong Tea Estate and send her to school. She is now going to school and participating in all the activities that the project is offering for the children. Her brother and Sister in-law are creating a good environment for her study.